
Breakfast: 15 Foods You Should Never Eat In The Morning


12. Doughnuts

OK. So let’s talk about doughnuts. Deliciously sweet, sugary, jammy doughnuts. They’re great, right? But you don’t need us to tell you that they’re not a great breakfast choice. High in saturated fats (doughnuts are deep fried, in case you didn’t know!) and sugars, and pretty low in the healthy stuff such as fibre and vitamins, doughnuts are most definitely a treat food.

But the problem is, they’re sold in coffee shops, and when do we most often frequent a coffee shop? That’s right, at breakfast time! And they sit there, looking all lovely and round and doughnut-y, luring us in through the glass. If we’re feeling particularly tired, stressed or emotional, then the chances are, we’ll ditch the yoghurt and granola we were planning on, and opt for a doughnut instead.

Far from keeping us full until lunchtime, we’ll hit that familiar sugary high after eating a doughnut, then crash when our blood sugar levels drop again a short time later. Lunchtime feels like hours away, and we grab a chocolate bar to keep us going. Disastrous for our healthy eating plans.

So definitely keep these goodies as occasional treats.


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