
Breakfast: 15 Foods You Should Never Eat In The Morning


1. Sugary, highly-refined cereals

We all know that children’s cereals in colourful boxes should be avoided due to their terrifyingly high sugar content. But, even more dangerous are the breakfast cereals which are marketed as “healthy” choices, but also contain high sugar content.

We actually love breakfast cereals. Cereal is a super quick, easy, wholesome and nutritious way of filling up in the morning, ready to start the day. But only if they’re made with whole grains, and contain no added sugars.

Popular puffed rice, honey coated nut cereals and frosted flakes (either big name brands or supermarket own brand equivalents) will normally be ladened with spoonfuls of sugar.

Aside from the long-term health implications of consuming too much sugar, a sugary start to your day will only sustain energy levels for a very short time. But once this sugary hit has been digested, we’ll be left feeling hungry very quickly, and, quite possibly, reaching for another unhealthy choice.

Make sure you check the nutritional values of your cereal and ensure there are no added sugars. Opt for cereals that are made with whole grains and are rich in belly filling fibre that will help to sustain you until lunchtime. Choose shredded whole wheat cereals, corn flakes that aren’t coated in sugar, traditional porridge oats, but avoid microwavable porridge which can often contain hidden, sugary syrups to add taste.


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